Utilizing the nature of the Yin and Yang energy, the Mylanian gods have blessed Elysium with a total of eight blades. Four pure white blades and four impure black blades. Sealed within each blade, a very powerful entity that holds the power to alter the soul of the user in a positive or negative manor depending on if you wield The Heaven's Blade or The Demon's Blade. Upon holding one of these blades, the user must accept the entity fully into their body and inevitably merge souls. The catch to the power bestowed upon the user is that each time a Blade is used, the user's soul will either be slightly purified or slightly corrupted. (For example: Since User1 decided to use his Demon's Blade, during or after the battle User1 had begun to have a darker outlook on things and is more comfortable will killing others. Vice-Versa for a Heaven's Blade user.)
Once accepting one of the Blades, the entity will take form of the user's most preferd weapon. (For Example: Before accepting the Heaven's Blade, User2 fancied using dual pistols. As he accepted the Heaven's Blade, the entity would acknowledge that factor and change its form from a blade into dual pistols.)
As of now, Shadow has all eight blades in his possession and is trying to assemble a team of elite ninja to wield these blades and fight for Elysium and all of its glory.