Ruby and Sapphire: Clyde Kusanagi's claw weapons. They are 5 feet in length and are made out of stainless steel. They're connected to a ballistics system, which shoots the claws out quickly, and allow them to latch onto any surface. The claws are attached to a chain when shot out and are durable enough to withstand punishment from those who are able to dodge the shot out claws. His claw weapons are attached to a brace that is fitted to his arms and forearms. The weapons were made and tempered from an unknown source of energy, as Clyde can feel their warming energies from time to time.
Family Pendant: A pendant hung by a chain and worn at Clyde's neck, is the kanji symbol for Kusanagi. His parents crafted for it him at a young age, saying that he was the pride and joy of the Kusanagi clan.