A brief description of the rocky gorge is below for rp'ing purposes.
The entrance and exit to the gorge are covered in sand and slowly descends down into the earth somewhat. However, there is nothing covering the top of the gorge so you are never underground unless you find a cave with the gorge.
The gorge itself is pretty straight forward and goes on for miles. The deepest part of the gorge is 50 stories below sea level, in which case seeing the top of the gorge is sometimes impossible.
The gorge sometimes comes together, making it so only one person can walk forward at a time, and sometimes becomes so large that dozens of people can safely and comfortably set up camp.
There is little to no plant life in the gorge and the deeper parts become pitch black at night. It's almost as if you are truly walking along the seafloor.
Some parts of the gorge do flood when it rains or storms and some parts even freeze during winter.
Special Stones
Bustion Blocks: There are black rocks scattered throughout the Rocky Gorge that feel like charcoal. These stones are known as Bustion Blocks. Almost like flint, when they are struck, they emit sparks. If two Bustion Blocks are struck together, they will ignite into fire, allowing for makeshift torches while travelling through the gorge.